What is Climate-Smart Agriculture?Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) promotes sustainable farming practices designed to secure food systems, enhance productivity, adapt to climate changes, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby protecting our planet.
Recognized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as an essential strategy for addressing climate change challenges, CSA focuses on three primary goals: Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity: Ensuring that farming practices are efficient and productive to meet the growing food demands. Adapting to climate change by enhancing resilience: Implementing strategies that help agricultural systems withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Mitigating and reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Reducing the carbon footprint of farming activities to mitigate the effects of climate change. |
At the local level, Working Landscapes, a rural development organization based in Warren County, NC, has been awarded USDA Climate-Smart Commodities funding for a four-year period. This grant will enable 85 farms to enroll in the Climate-Smart Project. Working Landscapes has partnered with four NC Food Hubs, including the High Country Food Hub (powered by Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture), to reach a diverse group of farmers and assist them in implementing climate-smart practices on their farms.
Together, Working Landscapes and Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture are collaborating with High Country farmers to enroll them in the Climate-Smart Agriculture program. This partnership provides financial support for the implementation of climate-smart practices, enhancing sustainable agriculture and creating more resilient farming communities across the region. By fostering these practices, we are not only contributing to the global effort to combat climate change but also ensuring that our High Country Agriculture farming communities are prepared to thrive in the face of environmental challenges. |
Do you have woody debris you are looking to get rid of? Turn your debris into biochar, a valuable resource that can build your soil nutrients and structure. Through the High Country Biochar Kiln Loan Program, you can rent a kiln free of charge and make your own! Two types of kilns will be available to rent: Ring of Fire or the Oregon kiln. The Oregon kiln is good for small to medium size producers and makes up to 1.4 cubic yard of biochar in about 4 hours. You will need approximately 3-4 cubic yards of feedstock for one burn. The Ring of Fire is a good option if you would like to produce larger amounts of biochar or if multiple farms want to get together for a bigger burn. This biochar kiln program is organized and sponsored by App State's NEXUS Project, Working Landscapes and Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture. We are working together to provide Biochar kilns for farmers in the High Country. For more information or any questions, email Rachel@workinglandscapesnc.org. |
As farmers confront the effects of climate change, the Climate-Smart Agriculture program aims to help farmers adjust to our changing climate.
Working Landscapes is looking for farmers across North Carolina who are willing to commit to growing climate smart commodities and selling them locally. Participating farms will receive assistance and funding for creating a climate-smart management plan for their farm and implementing climate-smart practices. If you are interested, click the button above! |
Supporting Climate-Smart Agriculture isn't just for farmers; consumers play a crucial role too! By shopping from farms that practice climate-smart methods, consumers can make a positive impact on the environment. Learn more about Climate-Smart Farms in the High Country here.
Buying locally grown produce reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation. Supporting farmers' markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, and food hubs that prioritize sustainability is another great way to support Climate-Smart Agriculture. Spreading awareness and advocating for policies that promote climate-smart agriculture can help create a more sustainable food system for future generations. |
P.O. Box 67 | 969 W King Street
Boone, NC 28607 | 828.386.1537 Email: info@brwia.org |